From Spring's Resource to Micronaut's Readable
Spring Framework has the Resource abstraction that gives you a convenient way to load resources from the classpath (inside Jar files) or the filesystem in an implementaton-agnostic manner.

Spring Framework has the Resource abstraction that gives you a convenient way to load resources from the classpath (inside Jar files) or the filesystem in an implementaton-agnostic manner, e.g.:
Any object that can return Resources needs to implement the ResourceLoader interface. See the respective Spring documentation for details on Spring’s Resource abstraction.
This abstraction is extremly convenient when your application provides any type of configurable data that needs to be part of the classpath (inside your executable Jar) and/or in the general file-system such as:
Default data
Demo data
Configuration files
If your background is mostly in Spring, you will readily discover that Micronaut has the equivalent of Spring’s ResourceLoder, But what about the Resource
Readable to the rescue
Micronaut provides the
interface that works similar and also provides an "Abstraction over File and URL based I/O". To illustrate how you can use Micronaut’s Readable
, I have created a quick demo hosted on GitHub:
The super-simple demo has 2 REST endpoints:
http://localhost:8080/images/single (Returns a single image)GET
http://localhost:8080/images/random (From a collection of images a random image is returned)
The used images are fully configurable via the application.yml
file. By default the images are served
from the classpath and as such are part of the generated Jar file using the classpath:
name: Loading Resources in Micronaut using Readable Demo
image-file: "classpath:images/bismarckia-nobilis.jpg"
# image-file: "file:/path/to/images/bismarckia-nobilis.jpg"
- "classpath:images/bismarckia-nobilis.jpg"
- "classpath:images/bamboo.jpg"
- "classpath:images/hibiscus.jpg"
If you like to use images from the filesystem, simply provide those image paths prefixed with file:
Additionally, you can also provide the paths to be used, e.g. via the command line:
java -jar target/resource-readable-demo-0.1.jar --images.image-file=file:/my/path/to/some/awesome-image.jpg
./mvnw mn:run -Dmn.appArgs="--images.image-file=file:/my/path/to/some/awesome-image.jpg"
In the app itself, you get access to the image data via my custom
ImageConfig class that is annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
The class provides 2
Readable imageFile
List<Readable> otherFiles
You can then simply inject ImageConfig
into my services and retrive the corresponding InputStream. Mission accomplished!